Antonio Guilherme Basso Pereira
Antonio Guilherme Basso Pereira is a professor at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR). He has a B.S. (2005), M.Sc (2008) and Ph.D (2013) degree in chemistry from Maringa State University (Brazil). Part of his PhD research was performed at University of California, Davis (UC Davis, 2011-2012). The main research goal is to add value to under used natural polymers, generally, but not only, found as agricultural wastes, to produce polymeric devices for environmental, biomedical and other applications.
Bioinspired materials Biomaterials Composites Gels Materials Science (other) Nano & Microstructured Materials Nanomaterials & Nanochemistry Physical Chemistry (other) Polymers Soft Matter Thin Films