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Angelo Ciaramella
Angelo Ciaramella received the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Computer Science and he is Full Professor at the University of Naples “Parthenope”. The main research interests of Angelo Ciaramella are Soft Computing, Machine Learning and Data Mining. In particular he is interested in statistical and Machine Learning approaches for Blind Source Separation, Sparse Coding, Compressive Sensing and Dictionary Learning, for signal processing (i.e., audio, streaming, astrophysical and geological) and feature extraction. Moreover, he has been working on fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems for structured and unstructured data. Recently, he is interested for developing Fuzzy Decision Support Systems in risk assessment. He also studied and developed new methodologies for pre-processing, clustering, visualization and assessment of biological, air quality and social network data (e.g., twitter). Recently, he is also interested in signal processing by Deep Learning methodologies in Brain Computer Interfaces. He is associate editor of international journals (i.e., Information Sciences, Soft Computing, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools). He has been co-general Chair (BBCC2023, ITADATA2023, PDP2023, IDCS2019), technical chair (CIBB2018) and organizer chair of Special Sessions. He is in the Program Committee of international conferences. He is a Fellow Member of IEEE and member IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Signal Processing, SIREN, GIRPR, AIxIA.
Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics Brain-Computer Interface Computer Vision Data Mining & Machine Learning Multimedia