Frequent Questions

Many common questions and answers about PeerJ and its publications can be found here

If you still have a question, please email us at
"Open source software has transformed the practice of software development. So, it is about time for an open access computer science journal to bring Computer Science research publishing into the 21st century. It's great to be part of helping to make that happen!"
Tim O'Reilly
CEO O'Reilly Media and member of PeerJ Board of Directors
Tim O'Reilly
I told my colleagues that PeerJ is a journal where they need to publish if they want their paper to be published quickly and with the strict peer review expected from a good journal.
Sohath Vanegas,
PeerJ Author
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PeerJ Computer Science is a multidisciplinary journal for computer science research, publishing in all areas of the wider field. After extensive feedback from our Advisory and Editorial Boards, we created 42 subject areas to drive discoverability of our content, but we appreciate that the list may need further refinement or expansion. As a result we are always open to feedback from the community as to what their needs are. Nothing is set in silicon, so if you have a specific subject area(s) you would like to see listed, please email us at Bear in mind though that any such list is always a compromise and has to balance several needs (e.g. the list shouldn't be too long; it should work for authors but also for readers; it should use the most widely understood terminology etc) - therefore we may not be able to accommodate all requests.
The Article Processing charge is $1,888 or all authors may purchase an individual lifetime Membership entitling you to publish in any PeerJ journal.
We do accept Application Notes. We are continually taking feedback from the wider community as to what their needs are. Even now, nothing is set in silicon, so if you have a specific requirement, or a type of article you want to see included, then please email us at
We opened for submissions on Feb 12th 2015, and we published our first articles in April 2015.
You can find the latest author instructions right here, but we also try to make the submission experience as easy as possible within the workflow with intuitive and just-in-time prompts to guide you through your submission.
We are happy to accept LaTeX submissions (our production group has an ‘all-TeX’ workflow). Please use our LaTeX template hosted at Overleaf.
PeerJ Computer Science is indexed in Pubmed Central (PMC), Scopus, Web of Science SCIE, Journal Citation Reports, Google Scholar, Europe PMC, DOAJ, dblp, CiteSeerX, HINARI, ProQuest databases, OCLC, Inspec, Inspec Analytics and Science Open.

Although we cannot make any guarantees, we expect to be indexed in the appropriate computer science indexing services including for example ACM Digital Library, Microsoft Academic Search etc.
  • Time to first decision (median): 35
  • Time to publication (median): 30
  • Journal Impact Factor: 3.8
  • Scimago Journal Ranking: 0.638 (Q1 for Computer Science)
  • SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper): 1.094
  • CiteScore: 4.2